Thursday, December 4, 2008

Panic, Anxiety & Agoraphobia

Living with Panic Disorder gets easier after time. I promise you!

You're always afraid?

You're waiting for your next panic Attack?

You think you're going to go crazy, right?

I promise you... you will be ok.

You believe that no one in the world understands how bad it is for you right now. No one can possibly understand what a Panic attack REALLY feels like! Everything gets all dizzy! You think you're losing your mind! You're gonna pass out! You're... about... to... die!

Then.... NO! You're ok... and you hope and pray to God that you never have another Panic attack again. It was torture. I know.

Know how I know you're going to be ok? Because you're reading this right now. You want to just be normal again, and you're searching for answers.

I had my first panic attacks in 1998. I didn't know what was wrong with me. So I brushed them off. Then they started happening more often. Then I started EXPECTING them to happen. Then I couldn't leave my own house. Seriously? Why couldn't I even drive or walk down the street, even?

You learned how to have Panic Attacks, and you can learn how to NOT have them

You learned how to have Panic Attacks, and you can learn how to NOT have them

You learned how to have Panic Attacks, and you can learn how to NOT have them

I promise you that things will get better. All you have to do is believe. Yeah, really. Just have faith. I know, I know it seems too simple... but really, you will be back on your feet again.

First, go see a doctor. You'll talk about medicine. Only your doctor can discuss what's best for you. Muscle relaxers did nothing for me, but Zoloft helped. Some people go with Fluoxetine.

Maybe medicine isn't for you. You'll decide that with your doctor. Therapy is definitely worth it. Psychologists know all about Panic and Anxiety, and they can answer all your questions.
They have books to help you out too. Just ask your therapist/Psychologist.
You don't have to lay on a couch and talk about alllll your problems. Just let 'em know what's going on right now.

I was claustrophobic, was scared of heights and big buildings. I couldn't go into Costco or the supermarket without feeling "strange." The movie theater wasn't as fun as it used to be. Even driving was scary. I mean scary. No, I mean... scary!

Remember to always breathe deeply. Inhale and Exhale slowly.

Relax your mind and go check out a real doctor.

If you're a man, I know it's extra hard to tell anyone about Anxiety.

... But you'll be alright.

I'm not a doctor, so I can't give any medical advice. Seeing a therapist and doctor was my own first step to getting rid of panic attacks.
Personally, I started reading a lot of books by Christian authors and pastors, since I believe in God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

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